Virtualization & Cloud Migrations

Save up to 70% of your IT costs by migrating to the cloud. With virtualization, you’ll have an added layer of security, reduced amount of hardware, and minimal downtime. We address your aging infrastructure to give your business space to grow.

When Will You Migrate to the Cloud?

35% of companies named migrating to the cloud as their top IT spending priority for the coming year

42% of companies are driven to migrate to the cloud for desktop virtualization – to provide access to data anywhere

44% of data loss is caused by accidental deletion, system crash, or software corruption

51% of small businesses still use local hardware-based backup solutions for their data

How Can I Benefit from Virtualization and Cloud Migrations?

Data Protection

Achieve your safest environment with redundant backups of your data. Each type of virtual server should be put on at least two physical servers. When a single server fails or needs maintenance, the second server automatically and seamlessly kicks in.


We seamlessly migrate your business to a virtual server so you can start benefiting from cloud infrastructure right away. The process is quick and easy with our Physical to Virtual tools that ensure the move of your systems without disruption.

Plan for Disasters

Server malfunctions, data center failures, or cybersecurity attacks can disrupt your business. Don’t wait for disasters to cause you data loss, impact your revenue, or damage your reputation. Having a cloud-based disaster recovery strategy minimizes downtime and data loss with reliable recovery of servers based on the cloud.

Reduce Costs

Migrate to the cloud and eliminate the need to maintain physical data centers. A scalable infrastructure means you only pay for what you use. The cloud significantly reduces the risk of downtime with more reliable service, in addition to increased efficiency.

Tools of the Trade

Microsoft Hyper-V

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