We all know the basics of interviewing: be prepared, dress the part, arrive on time, and make eye contact during your interview. However, interviewing for a technology position can sometimes be anything but basic. Potential employers within the technology industry want to understand your thought process, technical abilities, and your general background knowledge within the many areas of the ever-changing technology field.
In addition to the above interviewing tips, we also suggest taking these simple steps into consideration:
- Know the organization
You may be an expert computer programmer, IT networking professional or a recent college graduate, however, when interviewing, it is not only important to be knowledgeable about the position that you are applying for but about the company as well. Employers want to make sure you are the right fit for the company, and you should feel the same. Reviewing the company website and understanding their history and a basic overview of the products that they offer, will show the employer that you invested time in learning more about them and in turn, they should do the same for you.
- Know the position
Technology positions can range from technical support and computer programming to project management. Although some aspects of these positions have similarities, having a full understanding of the position that you are applying for is key. Oftentimes, candidates make the mistake of not fully understanding a job description. An example would be a software developer applying for an IT networking position. Although a developer may have a general understanding of the networking process and how to set up various units, they are likely looking for a position on the ‘back end’ that involves heavy programming or analyzing scripts. The same goes for a networking specialist. They are great at solving computer problems involving technical functions and setting up the actual unit, but they may not be interested in coding and creating programs. It is important to decide on which path best fits you and express your interest in that area. If you have participated in specialized courses in both of these areas, be prepared for interviewers to ask questions that pertain to both fields to understand where your skill set lies and where you would be most successful within the business.
- Show your versatility
Candidates frequently put too much emphasis on being the expert in one area of technology. The fact is, having a broad knowledge capacity in various areas is oftentimes a positive attribute to the employer. Of course, an employer would like you to have a certain level of expertise when it comes to technology solutions, however understanding various components of technology — whether it be a particular program or the ability to analyze data — will boost your hiring potential. It is also critical to mention that you can work within a team environment as well as individually. Having the ability to brainstorm ideas with others, work on team projects, or conduct personal research to find comparable solutions shows that have the skills and desire to succeed not only as an individual but as part of the business team.
- Write what you know
Never put more than what you know on your resume, as you will end up in an embarrassing situation if you cannot answer a question that refers to a particular subject matter that you claim to know, but in fact do not. Employers aren’t always looking for a single, “right” answer. Often, they’re seeking insight into how you think and how you approach problems. They want to see that you have a solid understanding of technical concepts and that you can apply them in an innovative way. Although knowing particular programs or languages is a must for some employers, there is also a flip side where interviewers will quiz your technical skills by asking how you would handle a certain task or what you think of developments within the industry. How you answer those questions can prove to your potential employer that you may not know every aspect of a particular function; however, you have the analytical ability to learn. Look at it as a positive; you gain the experience, and the employer can teach you a new skill within their defined methodology.
- Find the answer
If you were asked a particular question that you could not answer, make it a point to find the answer. You never know when you will come across the same question again in future interviews. It may even be a good idea to research the question and call or email the interviewer back with an answer. This shows determination and resourcefulness, and that can go a long way when you are in a large candidate pool.
Brave River Solutions is a leading web design, digital marketing, development, IT services and consulting firm. We have been interviewing candidates for many years and believe that by following these few simple steps, you too can flourish above other applicants and land your dream job within your chosen technology career. To learn more about the available career opportunities at Brave River, visit us on the web at: /about-us/careers/
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